Going Hog Wild's Sixth Unveiling - Profinium/ Fairmont  -  April 20th 2023


The hogs unveiled at Profinium in Fairmont to moved to THEIR permanent homes overseen by Pig E. Bank who was already at home at Profinium. Jim & Jeff assisted five of these porkers in make the trip throughout Fairmont. Now you can see Mishka at Bowlmor Lanes, Frankie at Fareway Foods, Classy at Indulge & Co, Maxie at RE/MAX and Landy Alley at Land Services/Auctioneer Alley. Charlotte, The Parks Companies hog and Anchor, Stromberg Trucking/Thedens Farm's hog chose to remain with Pig E. Bank at Profinium for another week when they will move to Welcome and East Chain. Be sure and check Going Hog Wild in Martin County's Facebook page for additional breaking news!