You won't want to miss THREE DAYS of FOOD, DEALS & FUN Downtown Fairmont MN! Kicking off Thursday 7/20 from 5 to 7. El Agave Restaurant, Jakes Pizza & Las Potrancas Food Truck will be on the sidewalk with specials dishes especially prepared for the evening! After you enjoy a meal at one of your downtown favorites how about a treat! In front of the First Congregational Church you'll find some "Heavenly Delights" (Holy Hog Cookies, Blessed Bacon Brownies, Holy Roller Cinnamon Bacon Rolls & Congregational Cupcakes) WOW! The evening doesn't stop there for your FAVORITE DOWNTOWN BUSINESSES will be presenting games, prizes, crazy discounts! Each will continue their crazy discounts Friday and Saturday! To learn more about what each business is offering click below! YES they have truly gone hog wild!